Monday, 16 August 2021

Mertales#Bubble 4

The dream washed away as  waves wrap everything on the seashore. All dreams are swiped off

 leaving a plain vacant land. She woke up and was disillusioned, life looked long and dark as a tunnel. 

She could not decide if she could walk into the tunnel or step into a mire and get lost.

She had a hope that she would find a ray of sunlight at the end of the tunnel.

But hope is just a hope and it is far away from reality. Crowding thoughts in an alien land, tears welled up and she longed for a hand to wipe her tears. But it’s always our hands that could help more than others.

She started her journey as she did not want to give up on life. The time period destined on this planet should be valued. Every second counts as many long for it!

What should be the purpose of life? the thought kept on pouncing her mind.

She sat in a garden swing and tried to silence her mind.

She just saw two beautiful parrots chirping and flying,smile swiped across her face.

She could see a squirrel nibbling on a guava tree, there was a sense of happiness in the air.

Bees swarming and butterflies fluttering tranqulised the pain.

Universe conspires to take care of the wounded soul!

Seniority and Growth: Reflections on Aging with Grace

  Age, by itself, does not command respect. Respect is earned through deeds, character, and the way one chooses to shape oneself over time. ...